Join Garden Jane, Boomerang and friends to make seed balls and get an early start on Spring planting! We’ll share the fascinating historical evolution of seed balls as a way of gardening for social and ecological change. We’ll also offer tips for using seed balls in a range of settings and situations, including:
Planting vegetable and cover crops;
Supporting pollinators, bees, butterflies and birds;
Nourishing seeds and soil;
Reducing daily watering during spring;
Protecting seeds from birds and squirrels;
Parties & garden groups;
Lazy gardening;
Guerilla gardening;
Ecological restoration;
People aged 3-99.
Bring your questions!
DATE: Passed
PRICE: Choose between $35, $50 or $65, includes a seed ball kit + seed balls that you make on the day. Please let us know if you need further financial or other accommodations to be able to attend the workshop.