7:30-9:00pm – Live Presentation: How to Impact ‘Earth Care’ in the City with Jane Hayes
Join Garden Jane for a presentation on urban permaculture and its impacts in the Greater Toronto Area, followed by a practical conversation on working with where you are at, and growing urban permaculture projects that honour people, the land and have impact. The event is taking place in-person on March 27th at 7:30pm, at the Bonar Parkdale Presbyterian Church, 250 Dunn Ave.
At the end of my talk I will also be providing a demonstration on how to make seed balls with the opportunity for you to purchase your own DIY seedball kit afterward!
Click HERE to see the event listing on Parkdale Horticulture Society’s website.
Click HERE to register for the event on Facebook.
A drive to earth care is often what calls people to permaculture, yet in Canada about 82% of us are in cities and almost 50% of us are in cities with populations over 100,000. With one third of Canadians (nearly 13 million) renting and almost no one in cities earning their living through agriculture, very few will have a chance to practice permanent agriculture for long. Given the pressures on time and resources for urban dwellers, interested people are challenged in figuring out how, where and with what kind of impact they can practice permaculture. Hope to see you there!